Brett Guthrie Votes For TPA aka Obamatrade
Brett Guthrie R2-KY voted today, June 18, 2015, to give President Barack Obama Trade Promotion Authority, aka Obamatrade, thus greasing the skids for the top secret, big business friendly Trans-Pacific...
View ArticleSaluting union volunteers in Paducah
By BERRY CRAIG Unions seldom make the news except during strikes, which the media commonly calls “labor disputes.” The implication, even if unintentional, is that strikes are the union’s fault. At the...
View ArticleJoseph Holt, Congressman John Yarmuth And The Confederate Flag
By BERRY CRAIG Army Judge Advocate General Joseph Holt would have heartily cheered U.S. Rep. John Yarmuth’s condemnation of the Confederate flag as a symbol “of white supremacy and treason.” Yarmuth is...
View ArticleBe proud to pack a union card
By BERRY CRAIG I cast my first presidential ballot in 1968. Hubert Humphrey got my vote. He didn’t win, but the late Democratic Minnesota senator and vice president is one of my all-time favorite...
View ArticleRep. Horlander’s riposte
“Hurrah for our last legislature! They have acted nobly in the present crisis,” the Daily Louisville Democrat cheered when in February, 1861, the pro-Union General Assembly courageously refused to put...
View ArticleUnion-busters opt for different tactics in pushing “right to work” in...
Union-busters in Kentucky and Wisconsin are traveling different paths to push “right to work.” In the Bluegrass State, they’re backing county RTW ordinances while claiming their sole aim is promoting...
View ArticleThe guy known as ‘Rand Paul’s favorite union-buster’
By BERRY CRAIG AFT Local 1360 Brent Yessin just reminded me of David Stockman. Yessin is the Kentucky-born, Florida lawyer who is pushing county “right to work” ordinances in his native state....
View ArticleKoch flacks tout phony poll on ‘right to work’
By BERRY CRAIG AFT Local 1360 Two union-busters are touting their mid-March poll that purports to prove most Kentuckians are pro-“right to work.” Of the poll’s 600 respondents, “39 percent didn’t even...
View ArticleFor union members, union-buster James Comer’s current woes are only a...
By BERRY CRAIG We may never know if Kentucky GOP gubernatorial hopeful James Comer really beat up a woman he dated in college or went with her to an abortion clinic, as she charges. Comer, the state...
View ArticleThe All Grass and No Roots DSCC Endorses Jim Gray
The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) wants Kentuckians to forget about supporting Rory Houlihan, of Winchester; Jeff Kender, of Phelps; Ron Leach, of Brandenburg; Tom Recktenwald, of...
View ArticleUnions push ‘right to work’ off the table
By BERRY CRAIG Think voting really doesn’t matter? Talk to a pair of Kentucky labor leaders. Because union-endorsed candidates won three of four special House elections this month, “right to work” is...
View Article‘They had this thing teed up’
By BERRY CRAIG Kentucky State AFL-CIO President Bill Londrigan says good candidates and a good union ground game added up to victory for a trio of labor-endorsed Democrats in the four special House...
View ArticleHere’s how unions endorse candidates
By BERRY CRAIG The union-haters would have John and Jane Q Citizen believe that “rich union bosses” shut rank-and-file union members out of the all-important candidate endorsement process. They paint a...
View ArticleMatt Bevin might be the Democrats’ best fund-raiser
By BERRY CRAIG Republican Gov. Matt Bevin’s family bell manufacturing business is in Connecticut, home state of Roger Sherman and Oliver Ellsworth. Delegates to the 1787 constitutional convention in...
View ArticleMedicare Part D crony capitalism at work!
Mother Jones What’s more, Medicare Part D often pays far more for drugs than do Medicaid or the Veterans Health Administration—which, unlike Part D, mandate government measures to hold down prices. One...
View ArticleWhat If Jesus Healed America?
What would happen if Jesus were to suddenly appear at the base of the Statue of Liberty, wave his arms and proclaim “I’m here to heal the sick in America” and suddenly every sick person in America was...
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